Limping & Wheeling Through Denver, and Back to Boston
As I mentioned in my last blog, I arrived in Denver a few weeks ago, just a few days fresh from ankle surgery in Boston. After a pleasant journey and flight with United Airlines, and gate to taxi wheelchair service from the kind folks at Denver International Airport, and after a pleasant ride with an…
Limping & Wheeling Through Boston Logan and Denver International Airports
The sad truth is that, even in this day and age, it’s hard for disabled people to travel. I recently had ankle surgery to stimulate tissue regrowth in an 8mm “hole” in my ankle (talus chondroplasty), where bone and cartilage should have been. The surgery went fine – the challenge began once the surgery was…
Thinking of running an Indiegogo campaign?
Thinking about launching a crowdfunding campaign? Great, because that’s what this blog is all about! Before you dive in to your campaign full-throttle, keep reading for some tips, tricks, and lessons learned, that I’ve collected throughout my tripchi Indiegogo campaign journey, which ended mid-December 2013.
tripchi Indiegogo campaign – more than 50% there!
Time to celebrate, we are now more than 50% funded! I also wanted to take a moment to explain to you WHY I am so passionate about transforming the airport experience.
Reflections on Concur’s Perfect Trip DevCon
It was tripchi’s pleasure to have participated, and pitched, in the inaugural Concur PerfectTrip DevCom 2013. It was not only a great networking opportunity, but also a great learning opportunity. I learned about many of the intricacies of the Concur API, so that when we’re ready to apply for the App Store, there won’t be…
tripchi launches crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo
Hello there fellow travelers and technophiles, Love to travel but hate airports? Us too, and we want to change that! That’s why my startup, tripchi, has just launched a fundraising campaign on Indiegogo for our airport mobile app, tripchi, which needs your help to launch globally. Our goal is to help travelers worldwide have a…
Tnooz Big Data Travel Hack
Last weekend, tripchi participated in the Tnooz Travel #BigDataHack at hack/reduce in Cambridge, MA. Read all about it in this Tnooz write-up, which features yours truly sounding really smart!
tripchi prepares for The Perfect Trip DevCon
tripchi is getting ready for our pitch at Concur’s The Perfect Trip DevCon 2013 this week (Oct 2) in San Francisco. Not only are we super excited, but we are also extremely flattered to have been chosen from such a talented pool of applicants to be one of the finalists.