Spring travel is in the air – Mar 2016 – the tripchi airport app newsletter
Are you ready for Spring? Even though T.S. Eliot says that April is the cruelest month, it doesn’t have to be. With oil prices still low and plenty of cheap fares still out there, you can make the most of the fact that spring travel is in the air – whether it’s a getaway to escape that random April snowfall, or an excuse to use up some of your roll-over vacation days. Consider Europe and consider Belgium – seriously, deals are to be had and authorities are beefing up security due to the tragic recent events.
CJ took advantage of the fact that spring travel is in the air around some recent flights deals and escaped to SFO for a spring fling with one of the most romantic cities in the world. You can read all about her (mis)adventures on therestlessroad blog. Highlights include flying a drone over the Golden Gate bridge, and trying some amazing dim sum. On the business side, CJ finished reviewing the SFO implementation of the tripchi airport app. You can try it here.

Airport of the month Club. Since spring travel is in the air, this month’s airport of the month is San Francisco International Airport (SFO). You’ll love exploring SFO – it boasts everything from charging station, free Wi-fi, pet-friendly areas, and even a Yoga room. If you have some time to kill, you’ll love stores like 100% Pure organic cosmetics, the Aviation Museum & Library, and small plates and tapas at Cat Cora. We love the local movement going on right now at SFO – this airport has gulped down the Airports 2.0 Kool-Aid. SFO is now available for your to start using here.
If you’re looking for a #layovertip or dining or shopping options during that long(er) layover while you’re taking advantage of the fact that spring travel is in the air, of course you can bring up the tripchi airport app and find a listing of what’s around you based on your flight time and the Concourse you’re leaving from. If you’re passing through any of the airports we cover, we’d love to get your feedback! Find these tips and more on the tripchi airport app.
New to the tripchi airport app community? tripchi is your passport to explore the airport, especially since spring travel is in the air. We roll up dining and shopping options, charging stations, as well as airport art, airport secrets and #layovertips. And, you can browse lounges, find special deals and offers, and track your flight information. It’s now available on the Android through this direct download (click here), and will be on the Google Play store soon. For all you iPhone users out there, our plan is to roll the tripchi airport app out on the iTunes store next.
We’re currently looking for feedback on the Android app (send us an email at contact@tripchi.com).
How can you help?
- In the aviation industry? Pass your airport connections our way? We are looking at running a limited trial to prove that we can help not only airport guests, but also airports.
- Flying soon? We need your help to source more and better airport content. If you’d like to write for us or contribute your airport findings, shoot us an email: contact@tripchi.com.
Read on for the monthly blog highlights!